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M. Dolorfino*, L. Martin*, Z. Slonim*, Y. Sun*, Y. Yang, Classifying solvable primitive permutation groups of low rank , Journal of Computational Algebra , 5 (2023), 100005.
M. Dolorfino*, L. Martin*, Z. Slonim*, Y. Sun*, Y. Yang, On the characterization of sporadic simple groups by codegrees , Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society , 109 (2024), 57-66.
M. Dolorfino*, L. Martin*, Z. Slonim*, Y. Sun*, Y. Yang, On the characterization of Alternating groups by the codegree set , Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society , 110 (2024), 115-120.
M. Dolorfino*, L. Martin*, Z. Slonim*, Y. Sun*, Y. Yang, On the book thickness of total graphs of commutative rings, Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences , accepted.
N. Akula*, M. Lideros*, K. O’Connor*, Y. Yang, On conjugacy classes of varying p -regularity level, preprint.
T. Edwards*, T.M. Keller, K. Latha*, R. Pesak*, The prime graphs of groups with arithmetically small composition factors , Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata , 203 (2024), 945-973.
M. Cho*, A. Dochtermann, R. Inagaki*, S. Oh, D. Snustad*, B. Zacovic*, Chip-firing and critical groups of signed graphs , SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , under revision.
S. Sun, E. Ren*, M. Ward*, N. Eloff*, L. Board*, Comparative analysis of six correlation metrics on DNA co-Methylation, in preparation. *undergraduate
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